Dear Sisters and Brothers:
Recently you received a letter from Mark Hancock, National President, and Charles Fleury, National Secretary Treasurer about CUPE’s National Library Workers’ Survey on Precarious Employment. Phase 2 of the survey is for library workers in municipal, school board, university and other mixed locals.
We need your help to promote the online survey to all library workers in your local. Direct contact with library workers is the best way to increase awareness of the survey project and make it more likely that library workers will go online to complete the survey.
We ask that all locals choose a survey captain, ideally a library worker that is willing to take on the task of promoting the online survey to all library workers in the local. Please send the contact information for your survey captain back to us by email. We’ll follow up if we don’t hear back from you.
We will be providing all survey captains with a leaflet about the online survey to distribute to all library workers. In the meantime, please use the leaflet to promote the online survey to your members through social media (Facebook, Twitter), on your local union’s website, and union bulletin boards.
Please note, the survey expiry date has been extended to December 31st, 2017.
Please email or call 613-237-1590, extension 108 if you have questions about the online survey.
In solidarity,
CUPE Research