Public Libraries Cut in Saskatchewan Budget


On March 22, 2017 the Saskatchewan government released their budget which included a 58% cut in funding for the province’s regional public library system. The budget also eliminated all provincial funding to the municipal public library systems  in Saskatoon and Regina.

Many people are concerned. Petitons are being circulated, rallies protesting the cuts are being held and public library supporters are being asked to contact their MLAs and make their feelings about the impact of these cuts known. We encourage the members of CUPE 2669 to talk to their families and friends about the impact these cuts will have on Saskatoon Public Library, other public libraries in Saskatchewan and on the valuable work we all do. We also encourage members to contact their MLAs and make their feeling known.

Here are some links to information, articles and opinions about the budget cuts to public libraries.

Saskatchewan Library Trustees Association
Saskatchewan Library Association
CUPE Saskatchewan
Save Saskatchewan’s Public Libraries Facebook 
Saskatoon Public Library’s CEO Carol Cooley’s Response


Preparing for Bargaining

Our Collective Agreement expired Dec. 31, 2016 and it’s time to start bargaining a new agreement. We have a knowledgable Negotiations Committee in place with experienced members. Our membership has been consulted and made their concerns on bargaining issues known. Our team had planned to meet with the representatives of our Employer, the Saskatoon Public Library Board,  at the bargaining table in March and when we received a message from the library’s CEO Carol Cooley.

“….As you are likely aware, contract negotiations are to begin soon. We had anticipated further ahead with the service model and organizational structure project at this point. Considering where we are at with this project and for the benefit of everyone, it is it is important that the model is finalized, and both the union and the members are introduced to the plan before commencing contract negotiations. It is important so that we can bargain in good faith and so that negotiations are informed by current and relevant information. For this reason, we have advised the union we would like to postpone negotiations until after the service model, and the operational plan is finalized.”

We don’t know when bargaining will begin, we’ll keep you posted.