CUPE 2669 members work under the protection of a contract called a collective agreement. Your union bargains the terms of the agreement with management, generally every 2-3 years.
Some of the most notable things covered in the Collective Agreement include:
- Hours of work
- Hiring and Seniority
- Leave (Sick, vacation, etc.)
- Discipline and Grievance procedures
- Benefits
- Resignation and Termination
- Wages
Other aspects may be covered under provincial law (see Saskatchewan employment standards, especially the Saskatchewan Employment Act and Workers’ Comp/OH&S), national law, or administrative practices (past policies that may or may not be documented).
The collective agreement can only be changed during bargaining. If you believe the Collective Agreement (or other law or policy) is being violated, please come to your shop steward, union executive, or general membership meeting to discuss it!